Friday, November 21, 2008


Try to listen the music inside your own ego.
Try to listen the laughter of the wind.
Try to feel the anger of the waves.
Try to paint the color of the green mountain,
the blue ocean and the blue sky.
Try to compete falling with the waterfalls.
Try to collect the colors of the rainbow.
Try to feel the thirst of the desert.
Try to count the drops of the rain.
Try to take off your coat and slippers when
you are standing in the rain.
Try to appreciate the bite of an ant.
Try to capture and ponder the power of the lightning.
Try to reveal an answer about a certain phenomenon.
Try to exchange the color of a red rose to a white rose.
Try to accept "peace" and junk the bloody war.
Try to eat together with the poor and junk the manners
of the rich.
Try to listen the stories of a stranger and feel the difference
of his world.
Try to imagine the stars sparkling at sunrise.
Try to think what if "Jesus Christ" comes tomorrow morning,
at midnight, at dawn, or maybe on the next day?
Try not going to church but pray in silence and
embrace the outcome.
Try to think what if the sun comes at night and the moon shines early in the morning?
Try to think what page in the "revelation of the bible"
are we experiencing right now?
Try to think what if "Sister Death" embraces you like a flash of lightning?
Try to visualize a new "Planet Earth"
And try to think what's "God" thinking right now?

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